
The FIRST and the BEST since 2001!

Established international football icons such as France National Team Coach Michel Hidalgo, Spain National Team Coach Luis Aragones, Belgian’s champions Anderlecht, Standard Liege, and Dutch National Team player Arie Haan, Perugia, Italy’s Bruno Redolfi, Barclay’s English Premier League’s Manchester Football Club, England National Team, AC Milan, Real Madrid player, and MLS champions LA Galaxy’s David Beckham, and Colombia Assistant National Team Coach Leonel Alvarez all support EduKick’s “Football and Education” philosophy. EIFA – EduKick International Football Academies.

With over twenty (20) years in business, we were the first and are currently the most experienced privately established Football and Education Academies company since 2001. Our institutional motto “Football is Education” explains it all. We teach character building using football as the vehicle to teach invaluable life lessons.


Communication to Parent and Player

Our parental communication and reporting is a key feature of our participant’s success. Parents are constantly updated on their son or daughter’s development and progress.


Safety and Supervision

The Safety Leader in International Residential Football & Education Academies: Safety and supervision is our highest priority. We provide a dedicated full-time Welfare Officer who is available to support our participant’s needs, care, and attention 24 hours a day for the duration of their course.


Exposure to Professional Clubs

Integrity is very important to us at EduKick so we do not promise trials with professional clubs in exchange for simply registering for one of our football (soccer) programs. Our program venues and staff are strategically selected to provide each participant with the exposure needed for them to hopefully obtain a trial with a club. Professional club scouts & youth coaches are often present at EduKick Academy matches, we have unique alignments and affiliations with professional clubs in each of our venues, and in some venues, all participants are prepared for and entered into well-respected and ethically minded national soccer scouting open trial events approved by us. We currently offer a PRO TRIAL 4 WEEK COURSE in Spain for footballers from 14-24 that “pre-qualify” by submitting a video package and Football CV.


Highly Structured Football Training

All of our programs follow a highly structured football training syllabus identical to professional club youth academies. The programs are delivered by highly qualified UEFA professional football coaches with many years of experience working with youth players and young adult footballers.


Participant Preparation

We prepare our participants for the demands of Twenty-First Century Education in a flexible curriculum that allows daily football training and study to function together. As well as Language immersion study courses we offer British system GCSE & A-Level study, USA Grade 912 High School study and BTEC Diplomas in Sports performance.


Intercultural Competence (ICC) at EduKick

Intercultural competence (ICC) is the ability for one to learn and understand a culture that is not their own. ICC is very important to us at EduKick and a key benefit of selecting and participating in one of our courses. It is important for us that our participants take away a lot more than just football development and education. We educate our participants to have empathy and an understanding of the behaviors and thinking of the people of their host country so we encourage them to become part of the local community and to immerse themselves in the local culture, thus becoming more INTERCULTUALLY COMPETENT.


Gain a Competitive Edge

Train with international football players. Set yourself apart, distinguish yourself from your peers – learn another language and immerse yourself in another culture while playing football.


Full Package of Services

We pride ourselves on providing a full package of services inside our tuition fees. We include accommodation; food, local transport, medical insurance, training kit, academics, football training, matches, welfare, supervision, communication/reporting and airport pick up/drop off.


Mentorship is Key

Mentorship is a key to successful development on and off the pitch so careful consideration is given when selecting our staff. All our staff are excellent role models sharing their life experiences with our EduKick participants. Our staff build relationships with our footballers based upon trust and act as great sounding boards and provide a new perspective to our players when they feel it is necessary. EduKick President, Joey Bilotta, personally mentors, advises and consults participating EduKick academy players and their parents through his SOCCER LIFE COACH service (www.soccerlifecoach.com/).